Friday, June 02, 2006

Seek and ye shall find

I awoke with a start a while ago, and judging from the ache in my chest, I surmised it was another row with my subconscious. Why can't we just get along, I bitched quietly.

I dragged my sorry ass to the shower. It was just past midnight. For three days now, I find myself stumbling home from work bone-weary and sleeping before prime time was done, always waking in the dead of night from a fitful slumber.

I felt the tension drain along with the water over my body and try to recall the dream I had. It was not a complete fanciful story, or maybe it was, I can't remember. But amid the twirls of images and rush of memories, there was one scene which stood out in great detail like an Impressionist work of art come to life.

I slipped off a silver ring from my finger, clutched it in my hand, and slipped it back on again. And just as dreams play out like scenes on the TV, this particular vision was a close-up of my hand, as if I had an out-of-body experience, seeing my own self through the eyes of another.

I suppose you may wonder why I should remember so vividly a random dream event. I might just as easily have dreamt all the curtains in my house were made of chocolate and all the walls coated in a glossy shade of lavender.

Except that my curtains are not made of chocolate and my walls are white. But I had a ring once that she gifted to me, and I lost it.

I may project a pragmatic lifestyle were you to survey my workdesk and neatly-categorised wardrobe, but the chink in my image of level-headedness is my foolish insistence on ascribing sentimental value to things.

Of course, it shouldn't matter now that the ring is lost. It was, after all, a symbol of a love that today has ceased to exist. So I wonder why I still feel guilty.

Hunkered down in front of my monitor I try to reflect and piece together all these psychic clues that would doubtlessly lead me a step closer to finding my Neverland. Inner peace. Peace of mind. Mind, body and soul. Brand's Essence of Chicken suddenly comes to mind. Dear God, I'm going crazy.

I took a few days off to find Heaven but instead I found Hell. How I suckered myself once more into believing I could just move on with a week's worth of sleeping late and doing jack.

But I did something stupid today at work. I reread all our old sappy love emails that I haven't yet had the heart to trash. And for a moment I was seized with a paralyzing heartache, that she was exchanging the same sappy love emails with someone new. Or something more than virtual.

I could not move an inch, gripped as I was with the stabbing pain of betrayal. The moment passes and my breathing returned to normal. I quickly glance around and am relieved nobody noticed my brief excursion into the netherworld. These sudden attacks come and go, but with decreasing frequency. Maybe I'm just getting better at denial.

Songs play in my head all day like a jukebox gone haywire. Most of the time I'm not even aware of the tune I'm humming. Right now, though, I find myself unable to ignore these lyrics, unrelated as they are to anything I'm feeling:

There's a saying old, says that love is blind
Still we're often told, seek and ye shall find...

Maybe it harks of a past romance where I was that someone who watched over her. I don't know. I just pray I never find that ring again.


Blogger rainbow angeles said...

I'm actually quite 'amazed' at the way your mind works...

Let it be, let it be, let it be...


3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... just thought u might enjoy doing this tag. list 8 traits u seek in a partner.

and it'd be interesting for us readers to know too... take care.

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how you feel - sometimes I have that unbearable urge to read old emails and saved MSN conversations from my past relationship, and although I know that it would only serve to bring back the heartache, I still do it, and spend the next few hours plagued with What Ifs.

It's silly, but by dredging up the past, I get to faintly relive those sweet moments again when all was well. Even though it hurts like heck afterwards.

I've since determined not to pine over the past now, though - it's just dragging me down. Look to the future, and use the past as a lesson. Get to know new people. Get involved in new activities. It's the best you can do, really.

Hope you feel better soon :) *hugs*

1:24 AM  
Blogger caffeinated said...

Hi angel. "amazed" ? :)

hi chloe, of course I'll do it. :) soon

Chris! thanks for dropping by. I'm so glad you're not out of the country like I imagined. just made my day :)

2:46 AM  
Blogger Sum said...

Hi... Just read your comment on my blog, and decided to pop by and check out yours. I'm guessing the break-up was not too long ago. It's been almost 8 mths since mine, and I can guarantee you that it WILL get better, and before you know it, you would have moved on... to something much better... someone who would appreciate you. :) Hope it happens soon for you. In the meantime, just hang in there.

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

first steps are always the hardest, but seriously.. press the delete button on those emails. Your urge to reread and relive those memories you once shared will only prolong and worsen the pain in your heart you now have :) take a deep breath and take it all slowly. You'll live through this and you know it

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm glad I managed to contribute something to making your day better. That means I must comment more next time ;)

12:50 PM  
Blogger caffeinated said...

Yes, you must Chris! :)

6:00 PM  

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